Monday, February 22, 2021




The Footloose Muse has turned four! In order to keep content fresh and members engaged, I would LOVE feedback on the features you'd LOVE more of. 

Feel free to respond to these questions in the chat below, or private message me if that approach works better for you. 

1.  Do the daily quotes resonate with you? Are they readable? How are you making use of them?

2.  Which of the daily themes are you most engaged in? (Mindful Monday. Tuesday Tools. Wednesday Whispers. Thankful Thursday. Fun Friday. Showcase Saturday. Soulful Sunday) Are there other themes you'd prefer? 

3.  Do you intend to participate in the Mindful Monday LIVE group meditations

4.  Do you intend to participate in the monthly muse book club

5.  Do you intend to participate in weekly writing prompts

6.  Would you be interested in any of the following educational workshops? (How to Live a Debt-Free Life. The Chakra System for Beginners. Single-by-Choice: Living Your Best Life Solo.) Which additional topics would you like added?

7. Once it's safe to travel, would you be interested in private multiple-day artists' retreats at Sweet Caroline's Vintage Cottage in Charlestown, Rhode Island? 

8.  Do you envision yourself engaging the 1.1 services of a creative midwife or creativity coach to help you birth your creative vision/dream in the future? 

9.  What other features would you LOVE to see added.

10. How has your participation in The Footloose Muse group changed your outlook and output creatively? 

Let your voice be heard!  



Creative Midwife

The Footloose Muse

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