Friday, April 8, 2022

Be a Beginner Every Day

“Be willing to be a beginner every morning.” ~Meister Eckhart

When is the last time you surrendered to a new undertaking? Maybe you've always wanted to try your hand at painting or drawing or cooking or calligraphy or tarot card reading. Perhaps you'd love to learn classical dance or ballet or line dancing. Kudos to you if you've followed your heart's desire. You can stop reading.

If however, you've hesitated, been unwilling to be that beginner, let's step back and examine the self-limiting beliefs that might be holding you back, keeping your from exploring new topics, teachings, hobbies, passions, pursuits. Isn’t it ego that holds us hostage and prevents us from being vulnerable, unsure, unclear, unknowing? Don’t we all like to come to the table prepared, looking good, full of expertise, just a little bit superior to the next person? What’s it like to shed ego, to admit we have much to learn, to relinquish control of the outcome, to say, “I don’t know, but I’d like to learn. Can you teach me?”

What is your self-talk when the notion of learning something new, taking up a new hobby, changing jobs, comes up? Isn’t it fear? Fear of not hitting the mark? Fear of looking stupid? Fear of not being good enough? Fear of being too old (or too young)? 

Maybe you tell yourself starting at the beginning will simply take too long. I’ll never forget a conversation I had with an old friend a few years ago. She was lamenting the fact that he had to lose 50 pounds. I suggested a slow and steady method that worked for me. I remarked, “Very do-able! One pound a week.” She looked horrified, and remarked with great trepidation, “Oh my God, that’ll take a year!” To which I responded, “Well, yes, but that year is going to come no matter what. Wouldn’t you rather be a healthier, trimmer you at the end of that year?”

When's the last time you allowed yourself to feel deeply engaged in and committed to some new study, activity, class, course, series, something that excites you, fills you with unbridled enthusiasm?

Intrigued? (Maybe just a little?) Join me this Sunday night, April 10, at 7:00pm EST and I'll lead you on a Be Willing to Be a Beginner guided meditation journey. You'll have a chance to conjure up in your mind’s eye, something, a pursuit, a teaching, an interest, something that you would love to undertake, but have hung back on out of fear.

If not now, when?

See you Sunday night. Subscribe to my channel and register  at:


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