Thursday, September 1, 2022

What is the chakra system, and why should I care about it?

In 2011, I graduated from Bancroft School of Massage Therapy in Worcester, Massachusetts and embarked on a decade-long career as a bodyworker. During my tenure at BSMT, I became fascinated with the chakra system and energy work. For the uninitiated, let me explain. 

The word chakra is Sanskrit for "spinning wheel" or "disk." According to ancient yogic traditions, there are seven major chakras or energy centers in our bodies. Each of these chakras corresponds to a particular color-coded vibrational frequency in the universe, which influences our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. 

When our chakras are perfectly aligned with the universal flow of energy, every aspect of our life becomes harmonious and joyful. We reclaim perfect health and our love and passion for life becomes renewed. These seven chakras run from the root of our spine to the top of our head (see graphic above).

Unlike the body's major organs, chakras are not visible to the naked eye, nor can they be detected on an x-ray or other diagnostic tool. Chakras are energetic in nature and all learning about them is experiential. As a former massage therapist, I was often able to correct dysfunctions simply by helping my clients activate and balance their blocked chakras. The mind-body connection is powerful, and often an imbalance can be traced to some unresolved emotional issue. For example, a sore throat could indicate a need to speak up, speak truthfully, openly, clearly and/or to make an amend for overstepping a boundary. Upper back discomfort could be a result of not being able to forgive someone. Anyone can tap into the teachings and use the chakra system to improve overall physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Keep reading if you'd like to learn a few basics.

1. Root Chakra. Color: Red. Location: Base of the spine. Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.

2. Sacral Chakra. Color: Orange. Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel. Represents our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. Center of creativity and passion.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra.  Color: Yellow. Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area. Represents our ability to be confident and in control of our lives.

4. Heart Chakra. Color: Green. Location: Center of the chest, just above the heart. Represents our ability to love others and ourselves. Compassion. Forgiveness. 

5. Throat Chakra. Color: Light Blue. Location: Throat. Represents our ability to communicate clearly, openly and honestly. Creative self-expression.

6. Third Eye (brow) Chakra. Color: Indigo. Location: Forehead between the eyes. Represents our intuitive nature.

7. Crown Chakra. Color: Purple. Location: Top of the head. Represents our connection to our divine natures.

I’m not suggesting you skip a medical diagnosis for any dis-ease or disorder; I am suggesting however, that you take seriously the possibility that healing is often an inside job.


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