Thursday, August 4, 2022

Finding Time to Lose Time

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

 "There's a certain alchemy to the whole photographic process for me. I go out with anticipation, and soon enthusiasm sets in. Before long, I lose track of time, and I am transported to another dimension. When I come to, I am at my computer questioning the process, my abilities, and my eye and cursing my lack of good fortune. During the editing process, I lose track of time again, and the next thing I know, light and colors and textures dance across the page, and that's when I know God has been here." 

~Carol Mossa, Linger Longer: Lessons from a Contemplative Life

Have you ever gotten so wrapped up in a project, pursuit, or activity that the outside world melted away and time took on a life of its own? A time when the only thing you could think about was the project you were working on? This is often referred to as a flow state, and it's one of the most magical and fulfilling places to be. The creative process is one of letting go, of letting the divine in, of having faith in the outcome, but too often our minds hold us hostage, refusing to allow a contemplative respite.

“Experts estimate that the mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. That’s an average of 2500 – 3,300 thoughts per hour.” ~Remez Sasson

Our minds are like hummingbirds, flitting from one thought to the next. Creative pursuits generate a break in the incessant chatter of our working minds. Like meditation, creativity is a journey within; it gives us a chance to fall into a more contemplative state of mind.

I'd love to hear from you. What activity, pursuit, occupation, venture. undertaking, enterprise, project, business, job, task, interest, hobby, pastime, recreation, diversion, entertainment, act, action, deed, doing, exploit, generates this sense of flow within you? Perhaps it's when you're chopping vegetables for a favorite meal, or cutting and assembling components for a craft project, maybe weeding in your garden brings on this hypnotic state. For me, it’s photography (see quote above). Pay attention to your inner promptings because whatever it is, whatever activity transports you to this other dimension, you'll want to find more time to lose time.

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